Lamb with Apple Sauce!


Hurrah! The orchard that we planted in 2011 is bearing fruit. Seventeen apples to be precise. It is also home to some of the best grass mowers money can’t buy: Merlin, Nuthatch (known as ‘Nutty’) and Nightjar, three very photogenic and championship-winning  Black-Welsh rams belonging to a local stockman. While out harvesting the large crop this morning I started to sing an ancient nursery rhyme. You may just be able to sing it too…

Baa baa black sheep
Can I have an apple?
No Sir, No Sir,
They’re all for the chapel!

One for the minister,
And one for Elaine,
And one for Gareth Bale,
Who plays at White Hart Lane!

© Baldock Bard 2012
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