Personal Marketing!


IMG_6945Friend Hazel bought me a present with my name on! She couldn’t find Baldock or Bard, so she had to make do with one of my lesser monikers. Yesterday on the tractor I drunk it! Whilst in the process I thought of how it was possibly the best marketing ploy ever…

Glug, glug, glug goes the bottle,
As I’m driving my tractor,
A smile encased, my dusty face,
Personalisation the deciding factor!

In service stations and shops,
Up and down the land,
You always see, folks like me,
With a bottle in their hand!

However the name might be wrong,
I’ve been Sue, Chantelle and Grace,
But for a while, it brings a smile,
To a strangers face!

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
The Baldock Boot Sale
Every Saturday until October!
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!


The Devil’s Cymbals!


Cambridge RollsI’ve put away the plough for a while and attached the Cambridge Rolls to the tractor to break down the clods. Being made up of a three rows of cast-steel rings on an axle they are very noisy. I call them ‘The Devil’s Cymbals!’…

When my children were very small,
And my wife was teaching in a school.
My mother would provide Farm-Day-Care,
They’d go with her everywhere!
Before the days of ‘all’s an offence’,
Health and Safety was common sense,
So on the tractor the kids would go,
To harvest, cultivate roll or sow!
In those days when cabs were bare,
and the rear window just wasn’t there,
The noise for a child sitting on a sack,
Was more like an alien attack!
But sitting on their improvised seat,
The little darlings would fall straight to sleep!

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
The Baldock Boot Sale
Every Saturday until October!
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!


A Blast From My Past!


GreengrocersHave you ever been suddenly reminded of times past? Driving my old man to a London station yesterday I was stopped at some traffic lights in Kilburn when I spotted something that I hadn’t seen locally for years – A greengrocers shop that was so full of wonderful produce that it spilled onto the street! Perhaps there is life after stores like Tesco have killed a town and maybe the city can teach rural areas a thing or two…

When I was young and just a lad,
I’d go shopping on a Friday with my dad!
In our old grey pickup, collie in the back,
The bench seat was covered with a sack!
First we’d go to get the wages,
He’d chat to people it took ages!
Then to the supermarket, International Stores,
It was compact, with shinny floors!
The greengrocer was always the last to meet,
A tiny shop with a queue on the street.
Eric Piper was short not stout,
He reminded me of a Brussels Sprout!
All of this died some 40 years ago,
The town changed for ever, shops started to go.
So seeing a greengrocer’s fantastic display,
Took me right back to another day!

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
The Baldock Boot Sale
Every Saturday until October!
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!


The ‘Monday-Break-it-Fairy’ is Defeated!


Ploughing 1914Sod’s Law states that if it is going to break it will do so at the most inconsiderate time! Yesterday I arrived in the field to plough and within ten minutes had to return to the farm with a broken hydraulic pipe! The ‘Monday-Break-it-Fairy’ had seen my early-morning departure and in an effort to set me back, had done her worst…

I went a’ploughing on Monday morning,
When all of a sudden without warning,
I pulled the switch to turn over the plough,
Nothing happened what do I do now?
I tried again without success,
Used those words we use under stress!
Back to the farm after such a short while,
The ‘Monday-Break-it-Fairy’ is full of bile!
Now normally I throw odd things away,
Otherwise they clutter the store for a year and a day!
But I was in for a great surprise,
An old hydraulic pipe that was just the size!
In a very short time I effected a repair,
Told the ‘Monday-Break-it-Fairy’ to go elsewhere!

With apologies if I sent her destructive powers in your direction.

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
The Baldock Boot Sale
Every Saturday until October!
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!




Mitsubishi flat battI have lost count of the number of cars I’ve had to jump-start at the Saturday car boot sale. This is mainly because of lights or radio left on, draining the power leaving the car immobile by leaving time. Last Saturday everyone had gone, I’d picked up the litter, returned to my trusty Mitsubishi and it grumbled: “Ra..Ra…Ra….Ra…..Ra……Ra!” Then silence. It has spent Sunday being charged. An eagle-eyed visitor asked if I’d suddenly gone green and bought an electric car…

‘Physician heal thyself’
Is how I felt Saturday,
I was left stranded in the field,
Everyone had driven away!
I asked ‘upstairs’ for Devine Help,
But alas ‘He’ was looking elsewhere,
I hurt my big toe kicking the wheel,
Which made me just howl and swear!

I rang home with a simple request,
Seeing that I was stuck,
And my wife appeared to save me,
T’was was a stroke of luck!
So now I’m off to buy a new battery,
Hoping the new one’s not flat,
And so for the foreseeable future,
At the bootsale I won’t be sat!

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
The Baldock Boot Sale
Every Saturday until October!
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!
