The Sentencing


Crown CourtYesterday I sat in the public gallery of a Crown Court as a convicted paedophile received his sentence. His actions and the hurt to children (now grown adults), that he caused, are too horrific to mention. The very fact that he showed no remorse or sorrow would have sent Judge Bard reaching for his black wig…

The evil that men can do,
In the search for self-gratification,
Makes me sometimes feel ashamed,
Of my very gender.

To have to hear such horrific evidence,
Day upon day,
Week upon week,
Must surely erode,
The heart, soul and faith,
In human nature,
Of those who have to listen.

When the world wakes up this morning,
It is safe in the knowledge,
That a disgusting man,
Has 2,920 more mornings,
To wake in a cell.

May Vincent Mitchell, 82,
Convicted paedophile,
Rot In Peace.

© Baldock Bard 2014
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The Band of Comforters!


Precious MonkeyWhen you were little did you have a toy, blanket or even piece of cloth you couldn’t be without? My granddaughter has a monkey. She is the most precious thing in her world. There are also two reserves, but they fail to make the grade, are immediately identified as being ‘not the one’ and rejected. The ‘Chosen One’ reigns supreme…

I see a monkey swinging from a tree,
She’s a very special monkey, one of three!
Sometimes she hides, just to be bad,
There’s one big panic waiting to be had!
My granddaughter spends her time sucking the tail,
If Monkey were missing then sleep would not prevail!
So in reserve (but not quite the same),
Are the two other monkeys who share her name!
So here’s to all comforters for the job they do,
They’re loved, abused, down trodden, but still love you!

© Baldock Bard 2014
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Writer’s Tears!


Writers Tears“Oh, look there’s a squirrel!” is a phrase that a friend uses to describe my attention span. Whilst not particularly worried by this trend, it does sometimes manifest itself when I’m attempting to write and I have to force myself to get on with the job in hand. This morning squirrels are all around and not even the loudest ‘shoo’ will make them leave…

There are some mornings when words don’t come,
I sit at my computer and I feel dumb!
Looking through photos to get inspiration,
Hoping to find some configuration!
This morning is one of those occasions,
When my mind is full of irrelevant invasions;
Should I move beans, oats or wheat?
Or clear out my car and clean the back seat?
For now I’ll make myself a brew,
and then get rid of a squirrel or two!

© Baldock Bard 2014
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The Murmuration!


StarlingsI was driving past the field where I hold Saturday car boot sales the other day when something caught my eye. At a glance it looked as if the electricity wires had thickened. I pulled into the field and realised it was hundreds of starlings congregating on the wires…

Hundreds of birds sitting on the wires,
They are starlings, so it transpires,
They’re named ‘Sturnus Vulgaris’ (by those in the know),
Which sounds rude, but I don’t suppose is so!
Most gregarious, often found in a crowd,
(probably around a bar, acting very loud!).
They used to eat for free from the farmer’s barn,
Authorities now view their presence with alarm.
They’re now common in a pub quiz causing consternation,
When they’re in a group, they’re called a ‘murmuration.’

© Baldock Bard 2014
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We Plough the Fields and Scatter 2014!


Many years ago I attended a school harvest festival in a local church. Parents and children waited for the vicar to arrive… waited and waited. He finally arrived laden with shopping bags having obviously forgotten the engagement. During the interlude I bided my time by writing my version of the hymn ‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter.’ In the intervening twenty-odd years it was lost to the mists of time.
Harv Fest 1On Sunday morning we held a very agricultural harvest festival in our barn and the vicar was early! So early in fact that I was still in my overalls and work clothes and so had no time to write a new version. However Monday was torrentially wet, so settle down in your pew, open the service sheet and prepare to sing our first hymn…

We plough the fields and scatter,
With ‘help’ from the bossy EU,
They interfere in everything,
And tell us what to do!
They don’t know what a sheep is,
Of crops they’ve no idea,
They’re in the middle of intro-ducing,
More rules for us next year.

All paperwork surrounds us,
Is sent electronically now,
So thank all those in Bru-u-ssels,
That know not pig nor cow!

Emissions from our combines,
Are very bad indeed.
Many chemicals are banned now,
Putting at risk the seed.
We are all going backwards,
We’ll soon grown nothing at all,
They’ll shout hooray, on the day,
UK farming goes to the wall.

Rules and regu-la-tions,
Follow us wherever we farm,
Due to ageing fa-r-mers,
We can’t hear the alarm!

Those who’re farming near towns,
Are planting lots of bricks,
They keep their heads above wa-ter,
With a handsome cash-flow fix!
Wind and rain can’t hurt them,
Of drought they’ve no idea,
If they find themselves in trouble,
They’ll sell more land next year!

All neighbours that surround us,
Can’t stand the smell of muck!
It affects the price of pro-p-erty,
And they might come unstuck!

We thank our major superstores,
For screwing farmers dry,
They also rob their cust-o-mers,
They don’t really have to try.
They have lots of offers,
Our trolleys to augment,
They make profit on a loaf of bread
Of at least 1000 percent!

Our government doesn’t understand us,
Why should they even try?
When everything can come from abroad,
And farming’s left to die!


© Baldock Bard 2014
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Agri-Wacky Races!


Wacky RacersOn Sunday afternoon we were chased around the fields by the threat of rain! We finished drilling wheat at tea time and I firmed up the seedbed by rolling in behind (like putting an extra blanket on the bed!). However I was being chased by the sprayer putting on pre-emergence weed killer, also attempting to beat the forecasted rain…

Like Wacky Racers we dash around,
Drilling, rolling and spraying the ground.
When darkness falls we’re still on the go
We roll and spray but no longer sow!
Finally we’re finished all machines to the shed
We go in for supper then it’s time for bed…

and then it rains and rains and rains!

© Baldock Bard 2014
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Feeding the Birds!


Feeding DucksI happened to look up from some paperwork the other morning and see my son-in-law and granddaughter on their way to feed the ducks. It made a great picture and led to a simple yet pleasing story of feeding birds…

We’re off to feed the ducks you know,
Holding hands as we go,
The dog trots happily by our side,
As we reach the woodland ride.

We have a bucket of saved tail corn,
Harvested before the ducks were born!
Someone call the bird police,
Behind us charge the hungry geese!

They will push the ducks aside,
Until they’ve got enough inside.
Then with a nervous glance,
The small wild birds will get their chance.

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
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Twitter: @baldockbard
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Rural Roads, Rural Drivers!


In JamNothing angers rural motorists more than joining a long queue behind a slow tractor when the driver refuses to pull in to let them past. Nothing irritates tractor drivers more than having pulled in to let the queue pass nobody acknowledges the act. However sometimes the sun and moon are in alignment and I found myself not only in a jam (not of my causing) but being thanked when I pulled over…

I took my Loadall along the road,
At a paltry 18 miles per hour,
The traffic was really quite heavy,
I knew that some would be sour!
I pulled into gateways, I pulled on the verge,
And much to my surprise,
Almost every motorist thanked me,
I couldn’t believe my eyes…
So I’m going to do it again today!
(only joking!)

© Baldock Bard 2014
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The Souvenir from Norfolk!


The Virus CatcherIt is strange how an old-fashioned illness can travel through a family like a non-stop  express train through a rural station! My Granddaughter returned from a few days in Norfolk with a wonderful souvenir for us all. So violent is the virus that it didn’t even need unwrapping. I just hope that others are immune…

At the moment I dare not cough,
Or be but near a very large trough.
A sickness virus has laid me low,
Not far from the bathroom dare I go.
I don’t feel like reading an exciting book,
I can’t even give any food a look.
The simplest pleasure from a glass of water,
Denied by a bug from my granddaughter!
I don’t suggest you even try it,
The weight-loss properties an instant diet!
Others have recovered after 24 hours,
So I’m hoping for super bodily powers.
So if you see me just walking past,
The bug has gone elsewhere at last!

Relief supplies were most welcome!

Relief supplies were most welcome!

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
The Baldock Boot Sale
Every Saturday until October 18th
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!


The Wait For Welsh Hooks!


Missing KeysWe have had a friend to stay fo a couple of nights. Apparently when she last stayed with us I was desperately searching for keys that I had mislaid. With this in mind she bought me a remedy which is now installed, in use and already irreplaceable…

“Where are those bloody keys?
I put them on the table,
Someone must have picked them up,
Didn’t drop them in the stable!”
I really must get hooks,
On which to put my keys,
Then they’ll always be to hand,
I’ll find them all with ease!”

But the job of finding hooks,
Became one to do ‘tomorrow’,
And keys were still being mislaid,
Causing grief and sorrow.
Friend Sian came to stay,
And bought me a prescription,
Inscribed above some useful hooks
This simple Welsh Inscription…

“Here’s a place to keep the keys,
instead of looking
all over the house for hours!”

Diolch Sian, Angharad & Rhodri!

© Baldock Bard 2014
For more verse click on ‘Home’ above
Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard
The Baldock Boot Sale
Every Saturday until October 18th
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!
