The First Blackberry of Autumn!


Yesterday I was strimming some unruly brambles when I came across an early blackberry. Being one never to miss an opportunity to savour a moment, I took the photo above and then popped the fruit into my mouth. When any sweet fruit is verboten because of my diabetes, such a moment was evermore sweeter…

Yesterday I ate a blackberry,
the first of the season,
I picked it because it was ripe,
that was the only reason.
Once I had picked it,
seemed such a shame to waste,
I popped it In my mouth,
was rewarded by the taste.
T’was like the finest Merlot,
a vintage I am sure,
the only problem being,
it left me wanting more!
…and so I ate the other three!

Have a great day and enjoy the fruits of the fields!

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