Recycling Danger!


Have you ever been embarrassed by the contents of your recycling box? Your neighbours, Mr and Mrs A.B. Stemious, have put out a solitary wine bottle along with three empty lentil tins. Your box suggests a possible house name change to Gomorrah Grange: The bottle box is close to bursting following a supermarket special offer, a popular Christmas party (that shocked the neighbours rigid) and missing the collection day a fortnight ago. The can box confirms your neighbours worst fears of sluttony in the street caused by your apparent diet of dog food, tinned ham and baked beans. While putting out our post-Christmas recycling I suddenly considered the contents and how they could be interpreted by an archeologist in a thousand years time…

The recycling crew think we’re alcoholics,
That solely eat dog food,
We sometimes read the papers,
And can be often rude!
I think it’s quite misleading,
In fact it’s quite untrue,
Have you ever stopped to consider,
What your recycling says about you?

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