The Dirty Panda goes to the Supermarket!


Toy Panda Anne MeThe other day I was in a supermarket queuing for the checkouts. In front of me in the queue was a toddler and her mother. The little girl was sitting in the trolley clutching a furry panda that fell to the floor. I picked it up for her and earned a suspicious look from her mother and a snatch-back from the child.  I simply shrugged my shoulders and looked the other way. What has the world come to I wondered, next time it stays on the supermarket floor…

Alice had a panda,
(She’s three!)
Her favourite toy,
Anne Me!

They went to the zoo,
Guess who went too?
Anne Me!

They went out for tea,
Guess who made three?
Anne Me!

They went to the coast,
Who liked it the most?
Anne Me!

They went to the shops,
Excitement non-stops,
Anne Me!

She fell from her hand,
Picked up by A MAN!
T’was just after three,
Now she’s dirty you see!
Silly old, dirty Anne Me!

© Baldock Bard 2013
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