Yesterday afternoon the sun shone, the birds sang and everything was well in the world. The crops weren’t dry enough to harvest, but they were drying… until another heavy shower dampened both wheat and spirits. My father always warned about a wet harvest…
My father once sat me upon his knee,
“Now son listen carefully to me!
Don’t you ever dare forget,
Some harvests can be soaking wet.
The wheat stands sadly row on row,
If wet too long it begins to grow.
So my farmerly advice – never forget,
Harvest when you can… tomorrow may be wet!”
Did I listen? Did I care? Nah! When you’re a kid, moralistic tales mean nothing! So here I am, an old man, waiting for the weather to change on an August Bank Holiday Weekend, which everyone doth know… is always wet! However we also know we can’t change the weather, so Happy Bank Holiday Everyone!
© Baldock Bard 2015
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