Baldock’s Unusual Biscuits!


Visit Baldock and see the world! In Chapman’s the Butchers on the High Street is a corner that is forever Jo’burg, Cape Town or Pretoria. Burly ex-pat South-Africans from around the UK can be found trying to stifle a sob as they re-discover groceries from back home. Their biscuit manufacturers are more adventurous in the choice of product names…

Fancy a Tennis?
That would be fun!
Along with tea
Under South African sun!
“Tell me Gerald,
What is the score?”
“The plate will be empty,
If you Eet-Sum-Mor!”
Down in the lane,
All not as it seems.
A travelling bovine,
Munches Romany Creams!
In the spare bathroom,
A smell never stops!
No-one is there,
Must be Ghost Pops!
Chapmans the Butchers
5 High Street Baldock

© Baldock Bard 2012
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The Baldock Car Boot Sale’s 20th anniversary season continues every Saturday at 7am until October 13th!
BootLine: 07852 707 074
E-mail: baldockbard(at)
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