Friends Like Ours


D Alde 1On Wednesday, a friendly neighbour left some flowers outside our door along with a simple, kind message. Another left a box of Quality Street chocolates ‘to help us through the next few days.’
In past years, on the anniversary of my son David’s death, I’ve written about him. However, as much as I still miss him like crazy, even after 13 years, his story is much more about friendship and the way he lived and loved than it is about his loss.

David collected friends in the same way some collect Star Wars memorabilia, football cards or stamps. He loved people of all sorts and all ages. Since his death in a car at university, aged 22, it is both his and our friends that have kept us sane. Not ‘friends’ in the much hyped and misunderstood social media ‘never met’ context, but true friends; the sort who aren’t embarrassed to see a grown man cry, the sort who show empathy as well as sympathy and the sort who are not embarrassed to share their own family moments with us.
Recently a friend of David’s called in so he could share his wonderful news of impending fatherhood with us. It was a magical moment, albeit with a slight tinge of sadness around the outer edges, but one we were so grateful to be included in.

So this year I’d like you to do something special. Either in David’s memory (whether you knew him or not), or just because you want to – I’d like you to find a new friend. It may be that colleague that’s new to the office. It could be someone you see on your daily commute or someone you’ve always wanted to speak to but didn’t have the courage. Here’s your excuse: say “David told me to speak to you!”

Or you could do an Act Of Random Kindness to a complete stranger. Who knows, you might even make a new friend.

…or just enjoy your day, you deserve it!

Miss you David x

© Baldock Bard 2016
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The Clean Sweep!


SweepingMy old boss used to say, “You can always find something to do on a farm, even if it’s sweeping the yard!” I seem to have driven a brush far more during recent weeks than a tractor. I have swept the barn so many times that I shall soon have to be like Trig in ‘Only Fools and Horses’ and require a new broom…

The great thing about sweeping,
it lets your clogged mind wander,
as time stretches before you,
not something you can squander!

You sweep, sweep, sweep,
with rythmatic ease,
your mind is far away,
in Malta or Belize!

Suddenly you’re finished,
it catches you with surprise.
only then you understand,
dust can clog your eyes!

© Baldock Bard 2016
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The New Year Tradition!


Tone's CoatThere is one part of New Year that is a traditional as fireworks and ‘Auld Lang Syne!’ When guests have finally wended their way back to whence they came, the trawl nets are put out to see what has been left behind! The one benefit of this practice is that it shows they will probably return and their rushed departure was unlikely to have been the result of anything you said. This years prize goes to Tony from North of Birmingham…

“I left my hat in Arfordshire,
Along with my old coat,
I hope that they take care of them,
Don’t feed them to a goat!”

“Cos if they mislaid my dear old coat,
It could get quite smelly,
Oh good grief I just realised,
They’ve also got my welly!”

We looked around our outhouse,
To see what we could see,
The coat’s in better condition,
Than the one that belongs to me!

The hat I will admit,
Has seen better days,
But it’s in a Staffordshire tweed,
Not equipped for Southern rays!

So we’ll put it out for the Postie,
That should be a breeze,
Cos if Old Tone hasn’t got his coat,
The poor old Bugger’ll freeze!

© Baldock Bard 2016
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Daffodils in December!


December DaffsYesterday Mrs Bard and I went to see my elderly father. He had been busy, preparing smoked salmon, fresh fruit salad and mince pies. However, just before our arrival, he’d been to a sheltered part of his garden and picked some flowering daffodils! This is a time for panic, run for the hills…

There are Daffs in December,
we need an answer NOW!
We’re all much more intelligent,
must be a ‘What?’ or ‘How?’

Set up an enquiry!
Consultants by the score!
Lease an expensive building,
and then employ some more!

The enquiry takes two years,
millions it has cost,
any agreed outcomes,
unfortunately lost!

Before we all panic,
we should perhaps remember,
a mild and wet winter,
may bring Daffodils in December!

There is an upside! my late-drilled wheat looks like it will feed even more mouths thanks to the mild weather.

© Baldock Bard 2015
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Annual Guestimation Day!


Baldock wheatEach year, just after Christmas, I have to dust off my crystal ball, clean my rose-tinted spectacles and unleash my forecast pencil! By New Year’s Eve I will have had to prepare a forecast of what wheat tonnage I will have to sell (after harvest in approx 8 months time!) to send to my wheat trader, Charles…

I put the drone up over the fields,
I asked her to forecast exactly the yields,
she flew around the crops unseen,
“They all look like grass, so very green!”
I asked my computer to calculate,
the wheat I’d have if harvest was late.
The cursor blinked, no numbers told,
I’d inputted no data of how much to be sold!

So I resorted to methods used down the ages,
previous yields put down on pages.
These I averaged using basic sums,
on my eight fingers and two thumbs!
Now I’ve a figure to call my own,
sent it in? I used the phone!
Modern methods play their part?
Nah! Just the guesses of a silly old fart!

The old men in the graveyard, are looking down on me,
“We didn’t have drone or computer – knew our fields yer see!”
Computer ScreenWith thanks to Charles Laughlin and all at Fengrain for their support during these difficult times in farming. It is always useful to have a strong ally working on your behalf.

© Baldock Bard 2015
For more from the Baldock Bard click on ‘Home’ above
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Twitter: @baldockbard




Christmas Cards


CardsI wonder if you are following the trend this Christmas of not sending cards? There are a noticeable number on social media who have grandly announced: ‘The (*insert name) family are not sending cards this year in order to save the *postman’s back / environment / turkeys / wildlife / carbon footprint’ (*tick where applicable!). I have written more than ever this year in a Canute-like attempt to keep this tradition alive…

My hand is hurting,
my elbow’s sore,
don’t want to write cards,

Some in the pile,
have no address,
named and signed,
what a mess!

My biggest worry,
late at night,
is Sandra really,
Bill’s new wife?

It’s too late,
I’m wrong I fear,
I may not get a card,
From them next year!

It would seem that the much-awaited annual round robin has been finally killed off by social media as we now get a weekly bulletin about remarkable achievements delivered directly to our desktops!

© Baldock Bard 2015
For more from the Baldock Bard click on ‘Home’ above

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Dangerous Decorations!


IMG_1671Yesterday I ventured down into the cellar to fetch the decorations for our Christmas tree. I found the box, climbed over the general stored detritus and made my way up the concrete steps to where my granddaughter waited to help me with the tree. Unfortunately I wasn’t looking where I was going…

Beware of Christmas decorations,
When they’ve been away for a year,
They can spell disaster,
Cause strange happenings I hear!
I collected a box from the cellar,
Up the steps did slip,
Now my face is all disfigured,
By a boxer-like fat lip!

… and World-Heavyweight Boxer, Tyson Fury, was nowhere near!

© Baldock Bard 2015
For more from the Baldock Bard click on ‘Home’ above
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Old Age Education


StudentsIt has been said that life is circular. We start off totally reliant on others, go through a learning phase with education, reproduce, then at an advanced age once again becoming reliant on others. I seem to be going through a second ‘education phase’ the first one having been spectacularly unsuccessful…

I went to Harper Adams University,
an agricultural drone course just for pilots,
we learnt farmers growing produce,
fields of crops not pots of violets!

In a classroom we studied Powerpoint
“This is wheat,” the lecturer said,
I became confused and worried,
most of it went over my head!

When I was young farming was simple,
wellies tweed cap and a dog!
Now I’m aged I learn new phrases,
Precision Farming with my drone log!

I don’t seem able to stop learning,
unfortunately it’s just too late,
not long from now I’ll be retiring,
overeducated to shut the gate!

With many thanks to all those at Harper Adams University College who made an old man most welcome. I just wish I’d been forty years younger!

© Baldock Bard 2015
For more from the Baldock Bard click on ‘Home’ above

Facebook: Baldock Bard
Twitter: @baldockbard

The Baldock Boot Sale
is the friendliest bargain bonanza anywhere!
Back every Saturday after Easter 2016

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The True Meaning of Friendship


Sometimes in life, quite by accident, all the stars align to create an unexpected day. Today is one of those. This morning I awoke in Staffordshire, staying with my old friend Tony. Nothing unusual about that!
Today I am off to Harper Adams University College to do a BASIS course about drone-use in agriculture. In doing this I will pass the spot where a drunk driver killed my son when he was a student at the college.
By absolute coincidence, today would have also been the 60th birthday of Tony’s wife Marsya (after whom my granddaughter is named).
During the living hell that happens to a family after a fatal road traffic accident, Marsya became our eyes, ears and body up here, attending the Coroners Court, local memorial services, taking pressure from us and much much more.
She was one of the most talented journalists of her age, a wonderful mother, wife, user of words and wearer of country casuals.
Above all, she was truly a friend in need and a friend indeed.

We all miss her.

Happy Birthday Mars.

Baldock Bard


The School Run (repeat)!


It is about 14 years since I last did the morning school run. This morning I am taking my granddaughter to nursery school about five miles away. In the countryside the school run almost always involves a car. So I’m off to brave the traffic, wish me luck…

I’m off once more,
To do the school run,
haven’t done it for years,
This should be fun!
I used to take,
my daughter and her brother,
to get them in the car,
I’d rely on their mother!
One day I said:
“I will go alone!”
before realisation,
no point in leaving home!
But this is different,
a ‘one-off’ is quite cool,
taking my little granddaughter,
along to nursery school!

© Baldock Bard 2015
For more from the Baldock Bard click on ‘Home’ above

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