I’m not the only one that needs to diet! Dolly the horse who lives on the farm is forced to wear a bucket-like contraption on her head to stop her eating too much grass. She has become very adroit at circumnavigating the contraption and so it has little effect apart from making her very bad tempered…
It’s a bucket day for Dolly
Who lives upon the farm
She’s also feeling angry
A case for great alarm
She canters around the meadow
To find the tastiest munch
All the while she’s frowning
Today’s a light-ish lunch
And then she’s collected
There’s nothing to amuse
It’s her friend the blacksmith
To fit a pair of shoes
While he’s working behind her
She dreams of an arena
If only he fitted ballet shoes
She could be a ballerina!
With thanks to blacksmith Tim Prutton for being patient while a rather irritating Bard mooched around with a camera.
© Baldock Bard 2012
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