Yesterday was a bad day for Tesco, Lidl, Iceland and other large cost-cutting stores as horsemeat was discovered in their beefburgers! This was also bad news for Dolly the Horse as she was loaded up early, destination uncertain! However she confounded her critics and despite a shaky start to the day, put in a first class performance to return in triumph later…
This morning Dolly was so cross,
She wouldn’t climb up into the box!
She didn’t get even the message,
That she was only off to dressage!
The geese and ducks teased her so:
“You are going to visit Tesco!”
As she wouldn’t climb into the lorry,
They all chorused: “You’ll be sorry!”
Some time later off she went,
And won two classes at the event!
The moral of this tale is clear:
She’s far calmer than she would appear!
© Baldock Bard 2013
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