Early Breakfast!


It’s Mothering Sunday/Mother’s Day here in the UK

The Reality:
Cornflakes spilt across the floor
Cleared up gratefully by the dog
Burning toast set off the fire alarm
Silenced by Dad balancing on a kitchen chair
Dried-pasta adorned homemade cards recovered from their hiding places
Escaping pasta shapes re-glued into position
Tray laid with an assortment of cutlery
Daffodils ripped from the garden and wrapped in a supermarket bag
All thrust at the recumbent form of a (suddenly awake) mother enjoying a rare lie-in!

The Memory:
In twenty years time the cards will be recovered from the bottom of a drawer and the only memory that will survive will be the smiles on the young faces that delivered breakfast in bed on that Sunday morning.

© Baldock Bard

The Baldock Saturday Car Boot Sale returns on the 14th April 2012
