It’s strange how certain objects can trigger memories. In a car park the other day saw a car I hadn’t seen for many years. A favourite with mums up and down the country, I had assumed they had all quietly rusted away…
Colin’s mum had an Austin Maxi,
Used it as a school run taxi.
Cloth-covered seats and plastic trim,
Slight smell of exhaust from within.
His sister Sue didn’t travel well,
So the car always had a sickly smell.
The radio-cassette was always fun,
Tuned to Blackburn on Radio One.
Colin’s mum smoked Marlboro red,
He stole to smoke behind the shed!
When at last we reached the school,
Colin would always play the fool.
He always spoke with words profane,
A constant target for headmaster’s cane.
One sad day I waited in vain,
They had gone, never seen again.
So here’s to you, Colin and Sue,
When I saw the Maxi I thought of you.
© Baldock Bard 2012
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