My New iPhone!


This morning there are queues stretching around the world outside Apple stores. This is so the ‘lucky ones’ can say to their friends “I’ve got the new i-phone 5, nah-nah-na-nah-nah!” When I saw the new offering, a voice screamed in the back of my head: “Want one and I want one NOW!” However some hours later I realize that it will still receive those annoying sales calls, the same forwarded text jokes and exactly the same music that is installed on my present model. I will wait, I think…

Yippee! Yippee! It’s an i-phone five,
I want, I want, just to feel alive.
The screen is bigger and that’s not all,
To own one now would be so cool!

I’ve watched the keynote speech upon my Mac
I thought to myself “there’s no going back”
I watched the news reports on TV,
I want one now, can’t wait you see!

But then I realized I’d been had,
The hype had got to me, I was sad!
There’s no way queuing would make me cool,
Quite the opposite, I’d look a fool!

Now I’ve got over this little need,
The inner voice no more does plead,
Instead Mr Sensible shows no surprise,
I will just wait until my old i-phone dies!

© Baldock Bard 2012
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