Novel Nautical Navigation Accessories (socks!)


Nautical SocksMrs Bard and I spent the weekend on a boat. In keeping with an attempt to be nautical rather than agricultural, I wore a special pair of socks that friends Susan and Alex had supplied. Immediately I discovered a problem with a novel solution…

Having grown up so far from the sea,
Certain questions have always puzzled me!
Which side is green and which is red?
And why is the Loo always called the ‘Head’?

I stood out on the front of the ship,
Looked back to see which Nav-light lit?
Green on my left, red on my right,
Then about-turn to see which sock was right!
Wromg SocksHopping about, one foot in the air,
I got it wrong, close to despair!
So I gave up and with clever deductions,
I did the obvious – I read the instructions!
…and finally put the right sock on the right foot (I think!)
Right Socks
© Baldock Bard 2013
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