Nursery Boot Rhyme 1


I wonder what future generations will make of the term ‘Nursery Rhyme’? Will they think of a place that plants are grown and wonder what that has to do with children? Anyway enough of this nonsense. The picture above has nothing to do with the verse below (and before anyone thinks I’ve cheated by cut and pasting a ‘funny’ or ‘mildly amusing’ from the tinternettywhatsisname, I took the photo a couple of years ago in County Cork, Ireland). So sit back and enjoy this tasty little morsel…

Sing a song a-boot sale
A pocket full of cash
You should see the dealers
On their bargain-hungry dash!
Then afterwards a burger
That Carla makes with care
All this on a Saturday
We hope to see you there!

© Baldock Bard
The Baldock Car Boot Sale’s 20th anniversary season continues next Saturday!
BootLine: 07852 707 074

