Suited after Booted!


Suit after BootIt is strange but nobody recognises me if I happen to dress up! The normal remark is “you can scrub up smart when you want to then!” Last Saturday I snuck away from the car boot sale and retrieved the suit out of the wardrobe. In no time I was ‘Suited after Booted’…

Saturday lunchtime to a party,
Was under orders to dress up smartly,
On with the suit, on with the tie,
with dark glasses to sight rectify,
because my clear glasses are in the river,
looked like a mobster, made me shiver!
So if you see me looking smart once more,
I may just be a doorman on the door!

© Baldock Bard 2016
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The Baldock Boot Sale
is the friendliest bargain bonanza anywhere!
Every Saturday
April – October 2016

With more FREE parking and a field full of bargains!
