The Bard’s Biggest Fan!


Big FanWhen I started this blog site in February 2012, I thought that no more than a handful of people would read my outpourings. The idea that anyone from outside my county or country would do more than arrive by accident and quickly depart, was well beyond my hopes. Unbelievably my outpourings are read in over 67 countries from Algeria to Vietnam and Tasmania to Belgium…

My biggest fan sits in the shed,
blowing cold air through the bin-column head!
When it starts, nearby lights dim,
as it accelerates in speed with a howling loud din!
the purpose of this is to dry the grain,
taking my energy bills through barriers of pain!

Now readers who live down by the equator,
will start to wonder sooner or later,
whether I have been taken insane,
or if it’s to do with the cold and the rain.
I’d like to ensure wherever you are,
I’m simply a farmer whose ‘life-door’ is ajar!

Best wishes to you and all my readers. Thank you for reading the outpourings of a simple son of the soil!

© Baldock Bard 2016
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