The Benefits of Yoga!


A friend teaches Yoga classes and is always very positive about the benefits. This verse just seemed to pop into my head when I was in the ‘Confused Crab’ position (that took three strong men, ropes and a crowbar to rectify). Give it a try sometime, it’s remarkable what it can achieve…

Benefits of Yoga

On the way back from Yoga,
Her hair’s in a mess,
But her chi and her cho are in place.
She hums as she drives,
And when she arrives,
There’s a smile all over her face.

Nothing today will upset her,
Her boss may scream or may shout,
She knows for sure,
Why he’s so sore,
He needs yoga to sort himself out.

She’s tried to tempt him to classes,
By performing the ‘fish’ and the ‘dog,’
But to suggestions he’s blind,
There’s sex on his mind,
He has to rush (for relief) to the bog.

That evening she wishes him ‘goodnight,’
He puts his hand on her knee,
In two seconds flat,
He’s down on his back,
She forgot to mention Tai-chi!

© Baldock Bard
Just 5 days until the Baldock Saturday Car Boot Sale returnsfor its 20th season on the 14th April 2012
Bootphone: 07852 707 074
