The Magic Instrument of Calm!


Polly and the KettleWhenever we are stressed and things aren’t going our way, we who reside on this island reach for a magic instrument of calm, the kettle! From first thing in the morning to last thing at night, it is our comforter and protector from all that threatens us…

“I’ll stick the kettle on, shall I?”
Is often heard in soaps,
when bad news is the subject,
That’s dashed all faith and hopes.

Thus it is in real life,
When stress comes our way,
Just have a cup of tea,
It’ll magically go away!

You’ve been awake half the night,
Your pillow’s on the floor,
You fancy a cuppa,
So you’ll toss and turn no more!

It may just be an illusion,
When you get that soothing hit,
You seem to be much calmer,
And not so deep in the…!

© Baldock Bard 2014
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