By mistake last night I left the stair door open. Early this morning I was made fully aware of the folly of my ways in the cruellest way possible. The Duvet Poacher had arrived…
It’s four in the morning,
My brain has a warning,
My feet are like blocks of ice!
The duvet is gone,
I’m shivering on,
The top of the mattress – not nice!
I feel in the dark,
come across something sharp,
Teeth and a body all snug!
Wrapped up in the duvet,
Like a sausage roll trouvé,
I’m thrilled she’s as warm as a bug!
I try to get clothing,
A battle foreboding,
She growls as I pull on her nest!
Tomorrow night,
By the Aga alight,
On a dog bed I’m determined to rest!
…Let’s see how she likes that!
© Baldock Bard 2013
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for the last time until April 26th 2014
When we’ll reopen for our Twenty-second season!!
Still with FREE parking and billions of bargains!
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Twitter: @baldockbard
‘We’ll see you there!”