The Orphan Jar!


Orphan JarDo you find that guests leave the most extraordinary items behind after a visit? We had some friends to stay who brought their own coffee with them as we have only full-strength on offer. When they had gone, we discovered an orphan in the kitchen…

The cases were packed,
And put in the car,
Off on their journey.
To destination far!

Back in the kitchen,
“Don’t forget me!”
A now-orphaned jar,
of decaff-coffee!

“Don’t leave me here,
Please just wait,
They don’t like my sort
I’m left to my fate!”

Then from the corner,
A small voice like her,
“Come here and join me,”
said the artificial sweet-ner!

I never complain when guests leave things behind as it means they had a good time and will be returning! (even when their host has soaked them with water! see:

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