The Perils of Dust when Cultivating!


Dusty CultivationsYesterday we went cultivating in preparation for drilling Spring Beans. The ground was very dry on top and ‘puggy’ underneath. A rocky crust but wet enough to make pottery just below the surface! However it was great to see dust coming off the cultivator, something that just a few weeks ago I couldn’t begin to imagine.

There’s dust a-blowing on them there hills,
It blows away the torrential ills!
The tractor rushes across the field,
Preparing the ground for a great bean yield!
The dust blows onto passing traffic,
Causing language, oh so graphic!
A husband turns to his wife to say:
“I only washed the car Sunday!”

“Well you’ll just have to wash it again my dear!”
She says, in a way, he doesn’t sense her sneer!
While all the time she’s thinking, ‘Yes!”
Another weekend job for him to address!
Sunday morning he’s out in the rain,
He’s washing the car – farmers to blame!
He’s steaming like breakfast burning toast,
Forgets from where came his Sunday Roast!
“Bloody Farmers!”

© Baldock Bard 2014
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returning for the twenty-second season on April 26th 2014
With more FREE parking and billions of bargains!
